Thursday, 9 June 2011


This is a bit picture heavy! Things I've bought and things I plan to buy Baby Coco come pay day! I have to remember she's going to be born in September when our summer is pretty much over :( Booo. 

How cute!?

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

19/20 weeks + some!

I realise I've missed a week or so on my updates here but I've been a busy woman! I've spent a lot of time away from twitter and blogging, trying to revise for the 5 or was it 6? exams I had the week before last! They were scary and horrible and I know I've failed a few. What can you do? Nothing, so there's no point stressing about them! Lots of teenagers on twitter were getting worked up about their GCSE's like they're the end of the world. They really aren't! I remember that feeling well though :(

I'm 20 weeks pregnant this Friday and I've got my 20 week scan tomorrow (Wednesday!) However I found out last week, right in the middle of the exams, that I'm going to be induced at 36 weeks! This is because I'm diabetic and they don't wont Baby Coco to be delivered at full term. I've always been diabetic and knew the risks of it during pregnancy but it's something I've been handling pretty well and it's all under control! Women with type 1 diabetes are more likely to have bigger babies which is why I'm being induced at 36 weeks, I didn't want to be induced because I wanted things to happen naturally, but I guess you can't choose your birth! The glucose passes from me to Baby Coco,  meaning baby is producing extra insulin to compensate! Which leads to Baby Coco storing more fat and tissue, I'll guess we'll find out tomorrow just how big baby is! Things are never straightforward in my life :) 

It's made me very nervous, having only 16 weeks left of pregnancy is a seriously daunting prospect! It's flying by and I'm really not prepared! I have great support from my family at the moment because I'm living back in Wales for the last few months of my pregnancy. For those asking, my Dad is recovering really well after his heart attack and we're really hoping to have him back at home super quick! We're all missing him, thank you for your lovely messages! I've also got a huge amount of support from my lovely new boyfriend, Thomas...that's all I'm going to say at the moment because I'm sure he'll read this! I'm a lucky woman, that is all :) I don't have any pictures for this post, mainly because I can't be bothered and I'll do a scan photo and haul of what I've bought after tomorrow at some point! 

If you have read, thank you! I tend to ramble on and I know a huge block of text is really boring....but there we go! Lots of love xxx

Sunday, 15 May 2011

17 weeks pregnant


I'm having a bit of an internet freak out the last week, been on and off  twitter feeling a bit funny and weird about things. I've learn that I really need to stop being upset by other people's business.

I'm 17 weeks pregnant, and my body is EXPANDING. Arghh, I have a bump! It's been getting there slowly over the last few weeks but now it's obvious I'm pregnant and not fitting into my skinny jeans etc etc.

                                                                    Oh hi baby coco!

I've been getting extremely upset and frustrated with my curly hair, pregnancy has just made it thicker and harder to control than ever. So, I can't remember exactly what day, but last week I straightened my took me about 30 -40 minutes! I posted a picture of twitter and most people said 'bring the curly hair back'. Arghh, well I love it so I don't care...the fact that it takes so long to straighten puts me off however

                                                      (As straight as its going to get!)

Back to Baby Coco, If anyone noticed I keep calling the baby a 'she'. That's because I'm about 90% certain that she is a GIRL. There are  ways that you can apparently determine the sex of a baby without finding out,  I'm carrying rather high and not low which according to the tales means its a girl! I had sickness throughout my first trimmester which again is a sign that it's a madomsoile, this clearly aren't based on anything scientific but I'm going on the fact that motherly instinct is almost telling me it's a girl. I'm not sure how to explain it! Other ways are your boob shape, the ring trick and early chinese testing 'stuff'. Yeah, stuff.

Friday, 6 May 2011

16 weeks.....Month 4/9!

Hello peoples....

Arghh. What a week!
This week and a little bit of last week has probably been the worst week of my pregnancy. It's been absolutely awful.. arghhhhh .

When I got back from Wales last week in the evening, something awful happened. I was driving home, well as a passenger with my housemate and everything was all fine. It was pretty late because we hadn't left Wales until late evening and I mean late evening, so we made it home to Basingstoke (where I live) and then the fun began. We weren't in the door for more than 10 minutes before I had the worst stomach pain I've ever felt. It was awful, naturally I feared the worst and we were debating whether to ring an ambulance or not. In the end we decided not to because I didn't want all the fuss of it and thought I'd be ok to go in the car.
How wrong I was, firstly my housemate took the wrong turning on the way to the hospital, how he did this I do not know because he's lived here for three years and apparently has only been to the hospital once! So that added an extra 5 minutes onto a journey, but here I am in absolute agonies and he's panicking. Crazy! Anyway we arrived there and to cut a long story short, I was having contractions. Contractions at 15 weeks in my pregnancy! It was awful and the Doctor basically said to me he couldn't give me anything to control them because I wasn't over 20 weeks pregnant. Ack! So I only had one option, to sit them out and see what happened...all....night.....long. Which I did, I was hoping and praying that they would get further and further apart and eventually stop because otherwise that would have been quite tragic if they hadn't :(. Anyway, I don't like talking about that part so onto being 16 weeks pregnant! (they obviously did stop!)

My tiredness has started to subside, I believe that's the right word! I struggled for the first three months because I just had no motivation or felt I had nothing to get up for.
I've had an extremely strange craving.....chalk. I woke up feeling that I just wanted to nibble on a piece of chalk, chalk!? I do not even understand where it came from! I've got to go to the doctors though because I might have to start talking iron tablets due to a possible deficiency. Argh more pills and supplements!

What else have I noticed?
I keep getting wind. Thankfully not wind from my bottom, wind from my mouth! Burps! It's quite annoying when you're in public! I  don't have a bump picture this week, there's some on my twitpic but there isn't much change from last week. I'm feeling even more little bubbles and flutters from Baby Coco which are rather nice and are always unexpected :) She moves suddenly and I get slight pain in my sides which means I'm stretching! yay!

I'm starting to worry a little about labour and thinking about a birthing plan. I know I want to remember the birth so I don't want to be totally drugged up, however I know when I'm in full labour I'm going to be begging for whatever they can give me!

I don't have many photos these week, just that I've bought a few baby clothes!

 How tiny is this!? So cute.
Baby scratch mitts extra small! (Aww)

Housemate and I are starting to think about decorating the spare room/nursery! very exciting.
I think that's about it for this week, if you follow me on twitter you'll know more :)


Sunday, 1 May 2011

This is just the beginning....


I've been a really busy bee lately, which is why my last post was over a week ago, although I've been on twitter every day! Eeek. I drove with my housemate to Cardiff to spend the week with my family who I haven't seen for a year and it was lovely. I also had to break the news that I was pregnant to my Dad...this doesn't seem like a very scary thing but my Dad is a man with very traditional views. He's a Doctor himself and wants his children to have a career and a life before having babies, but there we go! It went 'ok'...I had to take a drive out with my housemate after I told him because we had a little argument and he said things which he now regrets very much and has apologised for! We came back about 2 hours later once things had settled down and I think my Mum had time to work her magic on him! Anyway, random photos from Wales! I mean random when I say random...!

The neighbours bloody ugly cat! I'm sorry if you like cats but this thing wouldn't stop spitting at me.
Think it had something to do with my oestrogen levels!

A huge bear that was a gift from my very first boyfriend
left in Wales but is now going to be Baby Coco's. It means a lot!

  Why you want to see this, I don't know.
But it drove my pregnancy OCD into overdrive! Bad Mummy Coco.

Sorry I had to cut my head out because the photo was awful
 but this dress fits my bump rather snugly!

15 weeks :)

On to Baby Coco! I copied this because quite frankly I'm shattered!

'Your baby's legs are growing longer than his arms now and all his joints and limbs can move. His genitals may be developed enough to show on an ultrasound scan. Your baby is still small enough to fit into the palm of your hand. Baby may get a bad case of the hiccups, a precursor to breathing. You can't hear them because her system is filled with fluid rather than air but don't be surprised if you feel them later.

You may feel these first wiggles as a flutter low down in your tummy. Once you realise it's actually the baby turning somersaults, make a note to tell your midwife at your next visit (This has happened! I couldn't quite believe it and had to sit down with a cup of tea, total wow moment!)'

My life is pretty crazy at the moment, I'm trying to juggle pregnancy, studying, working on the wards and working in my local pub. It's crazy and I'm going to have to slow down at some point!
Anyway, long post again! (sorry)

Hope you've all been enjoying your 4 day weekend!

Lots of love xx

Friday, 22 April 2011

14 weeks

Bore da people!

I can't really believe how fast these weeks are going by, it's absolutely crazy. I'm 14 weeks pregnant today!
I had my first scan which I've already blogged about, I was very happy that the scan was really clear and I could clearly see my baba! I'm starting to feel a lot more pregnant now, the scan helped because it just suddenly all became real and crazy! My tummy has also seemed to start growing a lot in the last week, its still tiny but I think its a start! My belly button has also popped out as you can see!

What will happen if you press it I wonder!?

My lovely housemate bought me my first little presents for Baby Coco! He got a Disney Winnie the Poo comforter for Baby Coco and this horse shaped toy/cuddly thing that has a tiny little bell inside it, it's rather therapeutic! My housemate has been great, he's been buying me baby magazines and always offering to pop up to our local shop for me! Last night I went to Baby Coco daddy's parents house for dinner which was lovely, I then came home and was still hungry. I'd eaten loads but I wanted more so we went to our nearest Chinese and ordered a full meal for two! I can see myself putting on about 10 stone during this pregnancy, I'm not sure if I'm comfort eating but eating for two is definitely hard work! Anyway, it was really lovely of him to buy these because he definitely didn't have to and I knew nothing about it! Very very sweet.

As for the baby itself, at 14 weeks Baby Coco is growing lots of hair! Not just on baby's head but all over its little body :) This week baby Coco can grasp, squint, frown, grimace and even suck its thumb. I don't really like calling baby 'it' but we don't know the sex yet so it's quite hard!
Baby Coco can now also wee! At the same time I had my scan, I also had a Nuchal transluceny scan which tests for down syndrome in the baby, Baby Coco was clear but of course this test is only an estimate. I'm sure everything will be fine! I've become a big worrier at the moment!

Anyway, this has become a bit of a rambly post! I've decided I'm going to do a weekly update of my pregnancy because it got a pretty good response on Twitter. I've been invited to a friend of my housemates garden party today which I'm about to leave for and I'm off to Wales tomorrow so probably wont be able to blog for another week, have a lovely Easter everyone and don't eat too much chocolate (Unless you're me of course!)


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Hello Baby Coco!

I'm very excited and a very happy girl today but rather tired too! After what seems a very very long wait I got to meet, I say meet, I should say I got to see my gorgeous/handsome new little addition!

Meet Baby Coco!

Took me ages to take a photo of the scan and then upload it to my computer and then onto this!
(I wanted to ask 'Umm, can you email me the scan!?')

I've waited for this day for so long, and now it's already over! I had the scan this morning and then went out to celebrate with Baby Daddy and friends at our local pub (where I work!)
Don't worry, I only had an orange juice!
Anyway, the scan obviously went really well. There was a slight problem with Baby Coco's heartbeat, the little bugger didn't want to be heard apparently! However, all is well and the panic was quickly over.
We decided in the end that we didn't want to know the sex,  you can normally 99.9% tell the sex of the baby at 20 weeks and I'm only 13 so it would be guess work! It is said you can make no mistake with the sex of a baby boy, obviously! However a baby girl could be 'hiding' something rather well! Hence why people think they're having a girl but it turns out to be a little boy, imagine having bought all pink baby clothes etc and then having a boy.
Oh dear! I have a feeling its a girl, don't ask me why it just feels like I'm having a baby girl (might be because I want a girl!)
I'll probably end up finding out at future scans, but for now I'm liking the idea of the surprise!
But feel free to place your bet on whether it's a boy or a girl! Although you wont win anything haha!

Lots of love
