Tuesday, 31 May 2011

19/20 weeks + some!

I realise I've missed a week or so on my updates here but I've been a busy woman! I've spent a lot of time away from twitter and blogging, trying to revise for the 5 or was it 6? exams I had the week before last! They were scary and horrible and I know I've failed a few. What can you do? Nothing, so there's no point stressing about them! Lots of teenagers on twitter were getting worked up about their GCSE's like they're the end of the world. They really aren't! I remember that feeling well though :(

I'm 20 weeks pregnant this Friday and I've got my 20 week scan tomorrow (Wednesday!) However I found out last week, right in the middle of the exams, that I'm going to be induced at 36 weeks! This is because I'm diabetic and they don't wont Baby Coco to be delivered at full term. I've always been diabetic and knew the risks of it during pregnancy but it's something I've been handling pretty well and it's all under control! Women with type 1 diabetes are more likely to have bigger babies which is why I'm being induced at 36 weeks, I didn't want to be induced because I wanted things to happen naturally, but I guess you can't choose your birth! The glucose passes from me to Baby Coco,  meaning baby is producing extra insulin to compensate! Which leads to Baby Coco storing more fat and tissue, I'll guess we'll find out tomorrow just how big baby is! Things are never straightforward in my life :) 

It's made me very nervous, having only 16 weeks left of pregnancy is a seriously daunting prospect! It's flying by and I'm really not prepared! I have great support from my family at the moment because I'm living back in Wales for the last few months of my pregnancy. For those asking, my Dad is recovering really well after his heart attack and we're really hoping to have him back at home super quick! We're all missing him, thank you for your lovely messages! I've also got a huge amount of support from my lovely new boyfriend, Thomas...that's all I'm going to say at the moment because I'm sure he'll read this! I'm a lucky woman, that is all :) I don't have any pictures for this post, mainly because I can't be bothered and I'll do a scan photo and haul of what I've bought after tomorrow at some point! 

If you have read, thank you! I tend to ramble on and I know a huge block of text is really boring....but there we go! Lots of love xxx

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