Friday, 22 April 2011

14 weeks

Bore da people!

I can't really believe how fast these weeks are going by, it's absolutely crazy. I'm 14 weeks pregnant today!
I had my first scan which I've already blogged about, I was very happy that the scan was really clear and I could clearly see my baba! I'm starting to feel a lot more pregnant now, the scan helped because it just suddenly all became real and crazy! My tummy has also seemed to start growing a lot in the last week, its still tiny but I think its a start! My belly button has also popped out as you can see!

What will happen if you press it I wonder!?

My lovely housemate bought me my first little presents for Baby Coco! He got a Disney Winnie the Poo comforter for Baby Coco and this horse shaped toy/cuddly thing that has a tiny little bell inside it, it's rather therapeutic! My housemate has been great, he's been buying me baby magazines and always offering to pop up to our local shop for me! Last night I went to Baby Coco daddy's parents house for dinner which was lovely, I then came home and was still hungry. I'd eaten loads but I wanted more so we went to our nearest Chinese and ordered a full meal for two! I can see myself putting on about 10 stone during this pregnancy, I'm not sure if I'm comfort eating but eating for two is definitely hard work! Anyway, it was really lovely of him to buy these because he definitely didn't have to and I knew nothing about it! Very very sweet.

As for the baby itself, at 14 weeks Baby Coco is growing lots of hair! Not just on baby's head but all over its little body :) This week baby Coco can grasp, squint, frown, grimace and even suck its thumb. I don't really like calling baby 'it' but we don't know the sex yet so it's quite hard!
Baby Coco can now also wee! At the same time I had my scan, I also had a Nuchal transluceny scan which tests for down syndrome in the baby, Baby Coco was clear but of course this test is only an estimate. I'm sure everything will be fine! I've become a big worrier at the moment!

Anyway, this has become a bit of a rambly post! I've decided I'm going to do a weekly update of my pregnancy because it got a pretty good response on Twitter. I've been invited to a friend of my housemates garden party today which I'm about to leave for and I'm off to Wales tomorrow so probably wont be able to blog for another week, have a lovely Easter everyone and don't eat too much chocolate (Unless you're me of course!)


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Hello Baby Coco!

I'm very excited and a very happy girl today but rather tired too! After what seems a very very long wait I got to meet, I say meet, I should say I got to see my gorgeous/handsome new little addition!

Meet Baby Coco!

Took me ages to take a photo of the scan and then upload it to my computer and then onto this!
(I wanted to ask 'Umm, can you email me the scan!?')

I've waited for this day for so long, and now it's already over! I had the scan this morning and then went out to celebrate with Baby Daddy and friends at our local pub (where I work!)
Don't worry, I only had an orange juice!
Anyway, the scan obviously went really well. There was a slight problem with Baby Coco's heartbeat, the little bugger didn't want to be heard apparently! However, all is well and the panic was quickly over.
We decided in the end that we didn't want to know the sex,  you can normally 99.9% tell the sex of the baby at 20 weeks and I'm only 13 so it would be guess work! It is said you can make no mistake with the sex of a baby boy, obviously! However a baby girl could be 'hiding' something rather well! Hence why people think they're having a girl but it turns out to be a little boy, imagine having bought all pink baby clothes etc and then having a boy.
Oh dear! I have a feeling its a girl, don't ask me why it just feels like I'm having a baby girl (might be because I want a girl!)
I'll probably end up finding out at future scans, but for now I'm liking the idea of the surprise!
But feel free to place your bet on whether it's a boy or a girl! Although you wont win anything haha!

Lots of love


Monday, 18 April 2011

I'm going to have a moan!

I've never really noticed this before, because I've obviously never had any need to. What is it with maternity clothing for women? (Obviously, durr). I went into my local shopping centre today with the intentions of buying pretty summery things for when I've developed a bump come june/july/august because I'll have a tummy by then. However for the first time, I came home from a shopping trip with absoultey nothing. Whoever designs maternity clothing must be imagining a saggy 60 year old grandma. They're dull,
they're not at all attractive, they hang off you like sheets, admittidly I'm just carrying around extra fat right now but I've done my research and they're super overpriced. Here are just a few of my picks which I might consider buying if my bank balance and student 'loan' allows it. I'm 22, not 60! We don't suddenly lose the need to look attractive just because we want to be comfortable, I'm comfortable with what I wear now and my clothes don't look like bin liners.....

 Dorothy Perkins    £18.00

 Asos Maternity  £32.00

Again, I'd like advice on places to buy pretty things! At this rate I'm just going to shop in the places I usually do but buy things as I grow or two sizes too big!

Sorry for the shopping/girly/boring/clothes post, on wednesday I'm having my very first scan so I'll be able to show you my little baby Coco, very nervous but excited!

Lots of love


Saturday, 16 April 2011

13 weeks and one day

On Friday, I hit 13 weeks!

My baby is meant to look like this.... :/

Anyone else think it looks like an alien?

Baby Coco is meant to be looking more like a baby now, instead of a bundle of cells! Coco can swallow, yawn and hiccup. How cute! If anyone also touches my tum, baby might squirm because its developing reflexes and can curl fingers and toes.
I still don't really feel pregnant, I just feel like a chubster to be honest. You wouldn't know I was pregnant, it looks like fat

Not much sign of anything yet!

I want to get a sign that says 'I'm pregnant, spoil me!' I might start randomly rubbing my back on the tube whilst giving those people sitting down EVILS.
My diet isn't going well either, I've been advised to take Pregnacare vitabiotics supplement which contains all the essential vitamins and folic acid but they're really making me burp and I wont even start on their  omega 3 tablets too. My sense of smell is still really strong (not sure how to describe it to be honest!)
This week I've had ups and downs, its extremely hard being away from my Mum especially right now but I'm thankful for all the support I'm getting on twitter! You guys are awesome, especially you Mr musiccontrolsus ;) I'm going to Wales next weekend to spend Easter with my family, and of course break the news because only my Mum knows right now! Very nervous for that.
I'm not sure if I should do a pregnancy update every week, you guys might get really bored of it. I'm not sure, if you have anything to say on that please let me know!
Oh and any tips, I'm open to them!

Da bo ti xx

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

As most of you who follow me on twitter know, I recently announced some big unexpected news. I'm 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant! I took some time away from twitter to get used to the news and deal with the horribe dreaded....morning sickness! Now I'm past the three month mark,I'm rather happy because the last three months have been ROUGH. I've had terrible morning sickness and have felt like utter crap! I didn't have any motivation to do anything (Something I'm still dealing with) and didn't feel like getting out of bed every morning, which is a horrible feeling!
Although Baby Coco came at quite a surprise to us, I'm a very happy girly who is ready for what the next 9 months brings me!

I haven't had my first scan yet, but after next week I'm sure you'll get to see my little alien on twitter or on here so look out for that!

Body wise, I haven't really noticed any change. I'm quite a skinny minny as it is meaning I feel like it's going to be quite a struggle. One thing I have noticed however is that I've put on quite a bit of weight in my face!....

                                         I'm wearing only mascara here so please be kind! thank you :)

My cheeks are about the only thing growing right now! I've also noticed a bit of a change in the boobie area but we wont go into that too much yet!
One thing that is getting to me is my sense of smell, it now appears that I have the strength of smell that a  dog has and I'm addicted to the smell of petrol! Very bad. One thing that is really getting to me is the smell of fish, you're probably thinking 'well just don't eat it then'...but my  housemate keeps cooking the damn stuff and it's really turning my stomach! :(

Anyway lovely people, look out for my scan next week on twitter, but I'll probably do a blog here too.
Thank you for all your lovely messages! ♥