Saturday, 16 April 2011

13 weeks and one day

On Friday, I hit 13 weeks!

My baby is meant to look like this.... :/

Anyone else think it looks like an alien?

Baby Coco is meant to be looking more like a baby now, instead of a bundle of cells! Coco can swallow, yawn and hiccup. How cute! If anyone also touches my tum, baby might squirm because its developing reflexes and can curl fingers and toes.
I still don't really feel pregnant, I just feel like a chubster to be honest. You wouldn't know I was pregnant, it looks like fat

Not much sign of anything yet!

I want to get a sign that says 'I'm pregnant, spoil me!' I might start randomly rubbing my back on the tube whilst giving those people sitting down EVILS.
My diet isn't going well either, I've been advised to take Pregnacare vitabiotics supplement which contains all the essential vitamins and folic acid but they're really making me burp and I wont even start on their  omega 3 tablets too. My sense of smell is still really strong (not sure how to describe it to be honest!)
This week I've had ups and downs, its extremely hard being away from my Mum especially right now but I'm thankful for all the support I'm getting on twitter! You guys are awesome, especially you Mr musiccontrolsus ;) I'm going to Wales next weekend to spend Easter with my family, and of course break the news because only my Mum knows right now! Very nervous for that.
I'm not sure if I should do a pregnancy update every week, you guys might get really bored of it. I'm not sure, if you have anything to say on that please let me know!
Oh and any tips, I'm open to them!

Da bo ti xx

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